Standing on the red dot

“In business your network supports your net worth”.

This is a quote I remember hearing way back in the beginning when I first ventured out on my own and set up Hydro-ease. Words that have remained with me, and by net worth I mean the value and investment people put on their relationship with you

Networking for me is one of the greatest things about running a business, you get to meet so many fabulous people and hear about their businesses, but more importantly you get to gain a deeper connection and understanding of who they are as a person, their values, motivations, and aspirations, in both their business and their personal lives. But also we surround ourself, do business with, and create opportunities for the people we know, like and trust.

In 2016 I joined the Ulster Bank accelerator programme. And after around a year into the programme I met a cheeky couple of young lads called Sean Grant and John Paul Taggart, eager and hard working they wanted to develop leaders in organisations, they wanted to inspire employees to love their job and create a better quality of life. I knew they were the kinda guys I wanted in my network.

Then In 2018 at an event, I was speaking at, I had the greatest pleasure of meeting Henry McCorry, a genuine, warm, and curious human who chatted away like he was a friend from way back, I like people like that who are open and curious and committed to getting to know you and share a piece of themselves with you.

In June 2023 I was approached by Sean and asked if I would accept an invitation to speak at the first Newtownabbey TEDx event. To make this event happen these 3 legends (Sean JP and Henry) had teamed up, in the background I’m sensing Henry has adopted these two as his own and with the other legends at Creative 3 media decided to get this show on the road AND MAKE IT HAPPEN … again my type of people.

After many years as a public speaker, the opportunity to give a TEDx talk had been dangled in front of me a couple of times before, this time I thought.

  • Could this really be my time?
  • Could the famous little red dot finally be slipping right under my feet?

I didn’t have to think about it for too long and pretty much immediately said “Yes”.

I had my script already half written and set about getting it finished. The tittle was an obvious one, “The Magic is Within You”, the tittle of almost everything I create.

I finally had an opportunity to share my journey of recovery. Float, Breathe, Heal. I began to tell my story of how my mess became my message and on the 29th November 2022 I stepped onto the red dot and shared my words with the world.

I was first up. Full of courage, emotion, excitement and anticipation I listened to Henry as he introduced me to the audience, quite a surreal moment knowing that stepping onto the red dot is not just audience in the room, but the millions of people online who, like me, love a good TED talk.

I took a deep breathe and walked out onto the stage ….

I hope you enjoy my words and are inspired by my wisdom.

Big thanks to NI’s Ant and Dec and their Da’

Please check out the other awesome speakers who also stepped out onto the dot that night.

Philip Brady, Niraj Kapur, John Heenan, Dean Sneddon, Nadia Sayers, Dr Michael McKillop and Carly Anderson

Vivian xx

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