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Vivian’s own healing journey

Our whole lives can potentially be impacted by:
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Parental Substance misuse
- Threats to our identity
- Life threatening events, illnesses, and situations
- Invasion of our internal and external space

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Timeline Therapy
(Performance & Emotional)
Auricular Acupuncture
Havening Techniques
Laughter Yoga
KUF (Knowledge & understanding frameworkPersonality disorder)
STORM (Suicide Training on Risk Management)
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning)
SMART (Self-Management And Recovery Training)

All of this has been with the intention of improving and enhancing my own, and others, Mental Strength.
I have many years of experience. Working with individuals, just like you, to discover their own approach to the healing and growth of their true and authentic self.
It is up to you to learn and grow from the discovery of where your stress causing factors are so you are able to control your internal world.It is acceptable that many times, your remembrance of past events, or current situations are not under your control.
Identifying and releasing these factors can make a huge impact on how you heal.If this sounds like what you are looking for… you are in the right place as it is exactly what I have to offer.
I understand and deliver on clearly identified purpose and intention You can count on me